Imagine Talent Script Services

We are passionate about helping new and established writing talent, whether that be to help you hone your writing craft, identify problems to unstick a draft, or give you advice to progress to the next stage of your career.

We know that seeking agent representation is difficult, and whilst we are not currently able to accept new representation submissions due to capacity, we hope these services can offer support and advice to writers who need it.

Represented writers are also welcome to book services – whether you’re looking for fresh eyes on a draft or a new perspective on your work.

All services are with Agent and Imagine Talent founder Christina Pickworth, except for design services which are provided by former Screen International Art Director, Alan Bingle.

All consults take place on Zoom at a time to be mutually agreed once you’ve booked your service and submitted your materials. You will be emailed to arrange your consult.


If you need adjustments to any of these services for accessibility reasons please contact and we will work to find a solution which meets your needs. 

If the service you’re looking for isn’t listed please contact and we’ll see if we can tailor something bespoke for you.

Verbal pitch practice

15 minutes online consult
Practice pitching a single project in a safe and friendly space.
Prepare a c.5 minute verbal pitch, deliver it and receive verbal feedback in the remaining time.

One-to-One verbal pitch practice and feedback: £25+VAT

Written pitch practice

Emailed feedback
Distilling and communicating your idea in a written pitch is key to provoking interest. Ensure you’re including all the important information and giving your project the best possible chance. Feedback is emailed to you.

Short feedback on a 1-2 page written pitch – emailed feedback – £25+VAT

“With her keen insight, Christina quickly identified the gaps and offered invaluable feedback, providing me with the crucial starting point/direction. As a result, both concept scripts eventually went on to perform well in the national and regional competitions. Thank you, Christina, I’m forever grateful.” – Rekha

An opportunity to receive feedback, discuss your script and any issues/areas for improvement, and how you might implement these notes in your next draft, with agent Christina Pickworth. Sessions take place on Zoom at a time to be mutually agreed once you’ve booked your session and submitted your script. You will be emailed to arrange your consult. Price varies per script length and consult length.

Half hour script read
+ 30 minute online consult

(35 pages max)

Hour script read
+ 30 minute online consult

(65 pages max)

Feature script read
+ 30 minute online consult

(115 pages max)

Half hour script read
+ 60 minute online consult

(35 pages max)

Hour script read
+ 60 minute online consult

(65 pages max)

Feature script read
+ 60 minute online consult

(115 pages max)

“I have Christina to thank for a great deal. After reading my script and offering constructive, story-progressing feedback, Christina helped me get into the depths of why I was trying to tell this particular story. Christina’s feedback isn’t robotically directive, it takes you to the foundations of what is enthralling storytelling and with a considerate manner for emerging writers. One can often feel disheartened after receiving notes, but the manner in which Christina guides writers is deeply thoughtful and constructed in a way that triggers new understanding of storytelling and how to develop the craft. The feedback and continued guidance I received from Christina have been an absolute game changer. My script went on to place as a finalist in multiple competitions as well as leading to general meetings.”  – Shiv

What do you need to do to unlock the next stage of your writing career? Perhaps you’re not sure which project to start next, or unsure if you’re ready for agent representation. Provide 1-2 pages about yourself, your projects and the areas in which you feel you need help and agent Christina Pickworth will discuss possible next steps and things to work on in a friendly and constructive onine consultation. Sessions take place on Zoom at a time to be agreed once you’ve booked your session and submitted your information.

30 minute online career consult


60 minute online career consult


“The career consult session I had with Christina was insightful and super motivational. My eyes were opened to options I hadn’t previously considered and since our session I’ve struck up positive conversations with numerous production companies. Christina gave me clarity and confidence to continue my scriptwriting journey, I highly recommend her sessions.”  – Agatha

Share your vision and sell your project with the perfect pitch-ready deck. Book feedback on your deck content with agent Christina Pickworth to make sure your concept and pitch is clear. We can also make your deck look fabulous with design services, using your content, from former Screen International Art Director Alan Bingle. For design services please provide your text, images and design brief when you submit your materials. We can source additional images if required. You can combine the content and design services to create a dazzling deck.

Pitch Deck Design:
Bespoke 10 page deck created from your content

(max: 10 page pdf)

Pitch Deck Extra:
Bespoke 25 page deck created from your content

(max: 25 page PDF)

Pitch Deck content feedback: written feedback on your deck

(max deck size: 10 pages)

Pitch Deck content feedback extra: written feedback on your deck

(max deck size: 25 pages)